Our Vision

To see every Nigerian woman equipped with an integral education enabling her play her unique role in the home, work place and the larger society.

Our Mission

Women Empowerment through education. • To recognize her role as backbone of the family. • To make free and responsible choices. • To be an agent of change by upholding ethical and moral values in all her activities.

Our Core Values

Responsible use of Resources. Integrity. Spirit of service. Collegiality.

The Nigerian Association for Women’s Advancement (NAWA)

About Us

NAWA, a registered not for profit, non-governmental, educational and social welfare trust was founded in 1992 with its aim as the education of women and girls.

NAWA believes that the education of women and girls enables them become self-supporting, provides them with access to equal opportunities in the labour market, professional growth and promotion of the dignity of work in the home through proper professional preparation.

Our Projects

The Nigerian Association for Women's Advancement currently runs 10 Projects across Nigeria focused on the education of Women and Girls in both the formal and informal sector.

Engaging the kids1

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We have several projects for women and girls around Nigeria. We believe that the education of women and girls is key to providing access to equal opportunities in the labour market.


Latest NEWS

Afterschool/Library Programme

The NAWA After School/Library project was set up inorder to provide a holistic educational intervention to successfully...
