Organise a fundraising event- a yard sale, crowdfunding, selling of pins, a marathon …the list is endless.

NAWA has always relied on the generosity of people. You can organise fundraise for NAWA by organising yard sales, sale of badges or another activities which can attract friends and attract more donations.

You can contact us by filling out the form with the details and we will get back to you.


    We value cooperation and know that if we are to impact the lives of women and girls on a large scale, we need all the help we can get. Let’s collaborate.


    Are you interested in the education of women and girls? Yes….? Then you should volunteer for NAWA. Volunteer efforts are events based; Skills-Based and Long- Term Volunteers; Volunteer Committees.

    At NAWA, we rely and appreciate the tireless efforts of volunteers who have consistently ensured that we are able to carry out our mission.